Stories from the Margins
Since the beginning of Urban Expression we have encouraged and supported people to live in communities where people face multiple challenges in life and where churches have often withdrawn from and are absent. Initially this was in the city centres and housing estates of the UK's large connurbations, as the name Urban Expression indicates, but over the years some people have felt drawn to live in marginalised communities beyond the city bounds. UE mission partners can now be found near the coast and countryside, as well as the inner city. Here are some of their stories.
Click on the location name to read a mission partner's news blog
Where we are located
Urban Expression works in the inner city, on outer estates and in marginalised communities, such as coastal towns. There are mission opportunities in other places, but this is our vocation. These communities represent some of the most diverse and challenging environments for mission today.
Below is a map of the UK showing the (general) locations of our mission partners. There are also Urban Expression people in the Netherlands and France.
Below is a map of the UK showing the (general) locations of our mission partners. There are also Urban Expression people in the Netherlands and France.